
  • Do You Know Her?

    March 2022. Women's History Month commemorates the sacrifices made BY women and FOR women to help make the world, and our country, a more inclusive place. "Do You Know Her" is an interview series created by Sandra Davis, WCADC Exhibitions Chair.

    This month Sandra interviewed local members, Trisha Gupta, Juliet Drake Hossain, and Shelley Lowenstein — each having a nod to science in their work, incorporating the human body, cellular design, and environmental aspects in their art practices. Watch here.

  • Sisterhood

    2021, Kentlands Mansion Gallery, Gaithersburg, MD

    In this interview Trisha discusses the concept of sisterhood and reflects on how her work has reflected conversations her and her sister have had. The pieces in this show feature strong work by a group of artists that know each other and often work together. These artists represent the idea of strong female voices and the power of narrative.

  • This is Gaithersburg

    2021, Bohrer Park Gallery, Gaithersburg, MD

    Trisha Gupta was featured in a group exhibition at the Boher activity center called “This is Gaithersburg”. The work in this exhibition highlighted artists and their work in reaction to the COVID pandemic and racial protests during 2021. View here.

  • C'est la Vision

    2021, Arts in Color, Washington , DC

  • Thanksgiving for Everyone

    2019, Sandy Spring, MD, Sandy Spring Museum

    Trisha Gupta was the lead facilitator and artist for a table for everyone. This project that has expanded across three years of work. Read more here.

  • Just under 100: New Prints Summer 2017

    2017, IPCNY, New York, NY

    This show was composed of under 100 artists who participated in a show JURIED by WHO?

  • Saatchi Art

  • Women in the Artworld: Interview

    In this interview Trisha discusses her role as an artist and an Indian American. She talks about her struggle to become a professional artist, and how she educates her community about the role of artists as serious career professionals. Watch here.

  • Maryland Traditions Awardee

    Trisha Gupta was an awardee for the Maryland State Arts Council Apprenticeship Award Program. Trisha trained apprentice Bonnie, in the art of natural dyeing, mordant printing, and heritage Indian woodblock work. Here is an interview about their collaboration.

  • Proteyo Ace Frontier

    Ciudad de Buenos Aires , Argentina. As a group of three artists, we found commonality in our lack of interest in linear narratives. We were interested in how a circle or an object in motion breaks free from its static shape. I worked on creating brain sculptures and breaking, dividing, and moving them to have them reform or fall apart. Learn more.

  • Contemporary Impressions

    Contemporary Impressions was an invitational exhibition that travelled to Shanghai China.

  • Helen’s Dress

    An innovative digital residency program for artists (e-Residency) in Vamvakou, Laconia. Learn more.

  • Smithsonian Associates Instructor

    Trisha Gupta is an instructor for the teaching classes through the Freer Sackler gallery with the Smithsonian associates program. This program brings master cultural artists in contact with Smithsonian viewers. Participants have taken offerings like authentic Indian woodblock Printing. Learn more.

  • Why do foreign backpackers not visit Taiwan?

    This documentary, shot in Taiwan, was part of the Yerdo Design competition in Topex, Taiwan. Trisha was a featured backpacker who visited Taiwan and the island of Lanyu. She was filmed for 2 weeks. She spent a majority of her time with the Danyu people on the island of Lanyy. Her time on the island of Lanyu and her interaction with the community was one of the greatest inspirations for her views on community practice in future works. She created a series of work that was included in the competition that described the unique nature of Lanyu culturally and acovicated for it to be heritage site that should be preserved for generations. Watch here.

  • The Textile Center

    Trisha was awarded a scholarship to participate in the textile immersion free motion quilting mini residency through the Textile Arts center. Trisha worked with free motion quilting, and sculptural embroidery to make this piece. This piece is from an immigrant woman who describes the effort of walking during her forced migration to the United states from South America. She broke her wrist, and one of her children was separated from her. She describes how her body felt injured and abused.

  • Smithsonian Associates Program Instructor

    Trisha Gupta is an instructor for the teaching classes through the Freer Sackler gallery with the Smithsonian Associates Program. This program brings master cultural artists in contact with Smithsonian viewers. Participants have taken offerings like authentic Indian woodblock Printing. Trisha teaches an advanced figure drawing class based off of her dissection classes at the college of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, and her work as an artist drawing from life and training at the Art students League in New York. View program guide.